Thursday, May 1, 2014

Beyond failing to report

10tv reports the 30 day sentencing of a nurse in the death of Makayla Norman.
Click the link to read the report
In addition to the sentenced , Kathryn Williams RN, 3 others were indicted in this child's death, Angela Norman (mother), Mollie Parsons (LPN), and Mary Kilby (RN). Court documents reveal that at the time of Makayla's death, she had lice in her hair and eyebrows, un-bandaged bedsores covering her body; some of which were filled with dirt and feces, a two inch impacted rectum,an interior pelvic area obstructed by a dilated colon filled with feces, which had begun to block one of her kidneys; a build up of thick, dry secretions due to a lack of oral care, and pneumonia in both of her lungs. Her cause of
death was determined to be nutritional and medical neglect, with the death being contributed to by complications of cerebral palsy.
Kathryn Williams RN, was the supervisor of Mollie Parsons; according to documentation and billing submitted for payment, she visited Makayla one time monthly. Mary Kilby RN, was the supervisor to Kathryn Williams and according to documentation and billing, visited Makayla one time every six months to ensure her continued eligibility of services. Mollie Parsons LPN was the direct care support to Makayla; according to her documentation and billing, she provided services to Makalya for 11 years, 48 hours per week; although neighbors report only seeing her 3-4 times per month (My gut tells me that the 3-4 visits per month were most likely to split funds with Makayla's mother rather than to provide care and services to Makayla).
The health care professionals responsible for ensuring Makayla's health and safety are guilty of so much more beyond failing to report the abuse and neglect of Makayla. In my opinion, setting aside their theft of tax payers' dollars for fraudulent claims, they each are responsible for her death itself. They each made the decision time and again to not care for Makayla and to not ensure her health and safety.
There are many fantastic people in this field that do a wonderful job of providing care and assistance to those that require support. However, those few that prey on the vulnerabilities of the system itself and those that rely upon it, leave an ugly mark on us all.

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