Tuesday, April 15, 2014

April is National Volunteer Month

Volunteering is a wonderful way to get involved in your local community, to develop relationships with those outside of family and work, to use your abilities, and to care for those around you. Taking care of each other is one of the most important duties we have as fellow human beings.
 Cornerstone Supported Living, LLC has partnered with Westerville Area Resource Ministry (W.A.R.M.) and Volunteers of America (VOA). W.A.R.M and V.O.A. each are wonderful agencies that provide assistance to those in need as well as giving opportunities to those with ID/DD.
Cornerstone Adult Day Service participants complete a variety a jobs at W.A.R.M. and V.O.A. Jobs that utilizes their skills and helps them to develop new skills that are useful in the job market and in their everyday lives. The jobs they are performing help W.A.R.M. and V.O.A.ensure their individual missions of helping those in need.
We are most grateful to the directors and staff at each agency. We have not only been given an opportunity at each place, but have been accepted equally to all volunteers that perform work for them. Our partnership with each  is helpful in meeting our own  goals of assisting those with ID/DD to live their lives to the fullest potential.
I encourage everyone to volunteer some of your time to a program in your community. There is an Ethiopian proverb  that says "When spiders unite, they can tie up a lion.". Every little bit counts. When we all do what we can with what we have, we can accomplish amazing things.
To learn more about the assistance available at W.A.R.M. and V.O.A. or to give to their programs through your time or donations, please visit the links: http://www.warmwesterville.org/  http://www.voago.org/

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