Sunday, August 24, 2014

DRO requests student information from Ohio Department of Education

Disability Rights Ohio (DRO) is representing a group of students in a class action suit against the Ohio Department Education. The suit is challenging the adequacy of funding for special education funding for disabled students that attend Ohio public schools.
DRO has requested the release of students information from Ohio Department of Education. The information to be released will include a student identifying number; demographic information, such as school, grade,
gender, race, age, and disability category; attendance statistics; information on suspensions and
expulsions; and results on state tests such as the Ohio Graduation Tests, the Ohio Achievement  Assessments, and the Third Grade Reading Guarantee. Data released will not include students' names, addresses, or any other identifying information. DRO may only use the information for the purposes of their class action suit; the data may not be released to the public or used in any other capacity.
Parents may object to the release of their child's information by submitting an objection in writing to:
Clerk’s Office: Judge Watson’s Docket
U.S. Courthouse
85 Marconi Boulevard
Columbus, Ohio 43215
RE: DOE V. STATE, Case No. 91-464

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