Friday, April 4, 2014

DCBDD changes to transportation

Delaware County Board of DD is making important changes to its transportation policy. Please click on the link above to read a recent memo from Superintendent, Robert Morgan.
Delaware County Board of DD is truly "Leading the Way" in our industry! As a provider, I have found their progressive approach to services and supports both refreshing and inspiring. The approach, attitudes, and commitment to the individuals serviced by their county reminded me of a time when I was very idealistic about the world and what it should be. Sadly, like many, life being what it is, I started to accept that those ideals I held were "never" going to happen. I can now say that what I was coming to accept is wrong. All things are possible, you just have to believe and connect with people who share your vision. The possibilities are truly endless when we work together.
 Most of us agree that it takes a village to raise just one. I've come to know that the best way to raise that one is to mind your village. Delaware County is doing just that; not only providing services and supports to those that need it, but minding us all that are in this village together by leading the way to those ideals that most have had in our youth. There isn't a need or reason to repeat the mistakes of those before us. We don't have to accept how life can be as the simply reality of it all. We can strive for those ideals. We can make these things happen now. We all belong. We all are important. We all have a part to play.
Some may be worried about this change that is being made with transportation because they have become accustomed to have things have been for so long. This is a wonderful move forward. Contact your SSA at Delaware County Board of DD. They will be happy to assist you with planning for this change and connecting you with providers that can assist you with your transportation needs.

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