Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Justice Department Urges shift from sheltered workshops

April 8, 2014 The U.S. Justice Department states that Rhode Island has committed to overhaul its system of sheltered workshops and day programs for disabled individuals after finding violations of the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) including but not limited to wages below the Federal minimum, segregated environments, etc  with the expectation that 49 states will follow the model. ~I can't help but say at this point while Rhode Island is being credited for this landmark change, the great State of Ohio has already been implementing changes regarding sheltered workshops over the last two years that I'm aware and Delaware County Board of Developmental Disabilities in particular has been in my experience the most progressive county in Ohio to implement community inclusion, access and assistance for individuals with disabilities in finding community employment, and host of many other things. :)
Read more here
We as a society are constantly becoming a "more perfect nation". As we learn better, we absolutely do better. We have learned that while the initial intentions were probably well meaning, sheltered workshops and segregated environments for those with ID/DD have caused members of our society to be marginalized, discriminated against, exploited, and isolated.
It is long overdue that we are admitting our wrongs and assisting individuals with ID/DD to live their lives to the fullest potential as is afforded to any other law abiding citizen. It is understood that not every person with ID/DD is capable of community employment. However there are better alternatives to their being warehoused in sheltered segregated environments. We at Cornerstone Supported Living, LLC believe that we are developing a wonderful alternative for those that community employment is not an option for whatever reason.
November 2013 we began our Adult Day Habilitation Services program. The focus of our program is to provide an environment that allows individuals to meet their needs of continual learning, promote health and wellness through physical activity and nutrition education, socialization and community inclusion, volunteering, and creating useful products to raise funds so that events and day trips can be provided at no cost to the program participants as fixed incomes and the ability to earn wages are common problems with individuals with ID/DD; individuals having limited funds is a large reason why many do not have the opportunity to do things that most of us take for granted.
We look forward to developing our program and welcome ideas!

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